Thursday, March 4, 2010

Green Men of America

Hardcore Pyro
Green Men of America

Pyrotechnics have played an intricate part in today's society as well as yesteryear. For centuries, society has used fireworks are a form of entertainment, celebration or to elicit fear in rival territories. In the early days of pyrotechnics the individuals shooting off the colorful fireworks would wear large wet leaves draped over their head, shoulders and arms to protect themselves from the hot burning ambers. And from the spectators point of view they would look like little "green men" as they touched off the special effects and fireworks.

In 2001, I began my quest as a beginner crewman not fully aware that I would be making a life long commitment to my new passion of pyrotechnics. I tried to soak up every bit of knowledge from the other seasoned crew members as well as the licensed shooter. I would watch the fire marshal interact with the shooter and observe the fire department check out our equipment, location and wiring and hand firing practices so I could know what they were looking for. It has taken time to learn all of the different forms and techniques to pull off a full fledge show. From choreographed shows to digital to electrical and manual hand fire shows, each procedure is different but the end result is the same. Consumer and spectator satisfaction. It's known as the crowd factor, they are ultimately the ones that will give you their stamp of approval regardless if it's a high school graduation or an all out fourth of July event.

Now that I have eight years in the business I can honestly say that I still have the same enthusiasm as I did when I didn't know the difference between a 3 inch peony or crackling palm. I've been part of the same crew and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. By the end of 2008 I will be given a chance to break away from this crew and will build my own. It's almost as if King Arthur has Knighted me and has sent me outside of his kingdom to start my own group of pyrotechnic artisans.

Green Men of America , was inspired by myself as a way of paying tribute to the men and women who risk danger in order to bring the night sky to life with vibrant colors and explosions.
Green Men of America

Kenneth Ketterman - Founder and President

Please email at:

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